Die Filmakademie war unvergesslich, weil ich unglaubliche Erfahrungen beim Dreh sammeln konnte und tolle Menschen kennenlernen durfte!

Steve Won (ehemals Stefan Müller)

Regie / Dokumentarfilm

Diplomjahr:   2019
Diplomtitel:   Metro Manila

2017 NIKE x Future Force / YXZ / 01:00 / Commercial
2017 JUMBO Bau dein Traum / ROCKET FILMS / 01:00 / Commercial
2017 FLYING REVOLUTION / KAIZEN PICTURES / 98:00 / Feature Documentary
2016 Red Bull Flying Illusion FR Social Media Promo / KAIZEN PICTURES / 01:00 / Commercial
2016 BMW DTM Pitstop / KAIZEN PICTURES / 00:30 / Commercial
2016 Herr Grässlin / Filmakademie Baden Württemberg / 15:18 / Short Documentary
2015 SNIPES Funkin Stylez / KAIZEN PICTURES / 12:16 / Short Documentary
2014 Culture of Hope / KAIZEN PICTURES / 23:03 / Short Documentary
2013 Art of Krump / KAIZEN PICTURES / 09:52 / Short Documentary
2013 BELIEVE / KAIZEN PICTURES / 35:22 / Short Documentary


Steve Won (born 1988 in Germany) finished his Bachelor of Arts in Business Informatics, where he worked for more than a year as Business Consultant in the IT world of SAP. To fulfill his dream of making films, and telling stories, he the security of his position, to study Film at the Film Academy, in Baden Württemberg. His burning ambition, and power of endurance have brought him much success; especially in the dance film industry, in a very short time. He led various film projects in New York, Houston, Paris, Metro Manila, Rome, Berlin, Zurich, and other places around the world. His second short film „ART OF KRUMP“ reached international acclaim. In 2014, he began a documentary „Culture of Hope“ about the impact of Breakdance in the slums of Manila,
Philippines. In 2015, lent his skill set to the legendary Breakdance Crew FLYING STEPS (Red Bull Flying Bach / Red Bull Flying Illusion), to create a documentary about their heartbreaking life story. In 2016 Steve received a scholarship from the BADEN WÜRTTEMBERG STIPENDIUM FOR FILM PRODUCTION to heighten his skills in cinematography at the LA FÈMIS film school in Paris, France. He finished this documentary called „FLYING REVOLUTION“ 2017, as his first feature film for cinema. „FLYING REVOLUTION“ becames nominated around the world and celebrated its world premiere at the „MONTREAL WORLD FILM FESTIAL“ in Canada. In Germany Steve was nominated for the best documentary „GRANIT“ award at the „51st International Film Festival HOF“. In UK he won the BEST DIRECTOR award at „SOUTHHAMPTON International Film Festival“ 2019 FLYING REVOLUTION was at #1 in the iTunes documentary charts. The last months, Steve directed several commercial projects for brands like NIKE, BMW, RED BULL. Since 2018 he is working on his second feature film about the war on drugs in Philippines.

Steve is specialised in the creation of authentic branded content documentary style with a strong focus on visual cinematic story telling.

Homepage:   www.steve-won.com
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