Holger Schönberger


Diplomjahr:   2006
Diplomtitel:   Descendants, Weiße Ameisen

Holger Schönberger has collected numerous years of experience in computer animation and has filled diverse roles within the many aspects of digital post-production. He worked for various commercials and visualisations.
In 2003 he started the project study course for animation at the Institut of Animation, an autonomous department of the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. There he concentrated on visual effects from set supervision to playout and worked on multiple projects as shading/rendering TD.
Since then he is developing tool, applications and shaders (including the BA volumetrics used in hollywood features and commercials and now shipped with Softimage).
He is the creator and lead developer of the render manager Royal Render which is used in hundreds of companies worldwide in VFX, commercials and animation feature pipelines.


Homepage:   www.BinaryAlchemy.de
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