Joana Vogdt
Atelier Ludwigsburg - Paris
Diplomjahr: | 2005 |
Diplomtitel: | (Produktion/Regie) |
Filmographie: |
2019 IM KAKTUSGARTEN / Serie - Drehbuch (in Entwicklung) nach dem Roman "An einem Tag im November" von Petra Hammesfahr, All In Production Entwicklung gefördert durch FFF Bayern FREIE RADIKALE / Serie - Writers Room (in Entwicklung) Tandem Produktions Ausgezeichnet mit dem Preis der Schwarzfoundation DIE WELT ZU FÜSSEN / Dokumentarfilm - Regie (in Entwicklung) Tag/Traumfilm Entwicklung gefördert mit dem Gerd Ruge Incentive Stipendium NACHTBESUCH / Kurzfilm - Regie / Drehbuch (in Postproduction) Kinecope FIlm Produktion gefördert durch Filmbüro Bremen, Nordmedia, Die Höge Internationale Künstlerinnen Stiftung FLIESSENDE GRENZE / Kurzfilm - Regie / Drehbuch Kinescope FIlm, in Koproduktion mit BR Produktion gefördert durch BKM, Kuratorium junger Deutscher Film, Nordmedia, FHSH Filmwerkstatt Kiel |
Vita: |
I studied at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemburg and La Femis, where I completed the Atelier Ludwigsburg Paris in filmproduction. After my studies, I moved to New York, where I was involved in production and development of various documentary films for Engel Entertainment. Back in Berlin I worked for Pallas Film and Twenty Twenty Vision and assisted to produce a dozen award-winning European fiction films. I then started in freelance capacity as a assistant director, producer and dramaturgical advisor. Since 2010 I mainly work as writer and director. I started out with working on tv documentaries. 2015/16 I took part in the Masterclass Non-Fiction at the International Film School in Cologne. The following year I received the Gerd Ruge scholarship for the development of "Die Welt zu Füßen", a long feature documentary. 2017/18 I also was a scholar of the DrehbuchWerkstatt München for scriptwriting at the Academy for Film and TV Munich. At the moment I am writing on several fiction projects, among them my debut feature fiction film. I am also developing as part of a writers room on several series and as head writer I am adapting a bestseller novel into a series. |
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