David Vogt


Diplomjahr:   2008
Diplomtitel:   Nachtblind aka Viertelsommer



Graduated High School in 2001, followed by two years of compulsory paid community service at different production companies. He studied „production“ at the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg, from which he graduated in 2008. He is also a graduate of the MEDIA supported “Four Corner” program.
During his studies, he was interested in the production of VFX for fictional programs for the international film and television market. Founded Ruhrpottfilm in 2005 with the intention of developing and producing debut feature films. 2008 he joined the Hamburg based Animationsfabrik GmbH as a producer. 2009 - 2010 he developed fictional programming for the film and television market at the Munich Tellux group.
Since March 2010 he is a line producer at Wiedemann & Berg Film and Wiedemann & Berg Television.



Homepage:   www.crew-united.com/?bio=53598
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